Darren Chester MP.
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6 years ago
Darren Chester MP
MORE than $138,000 in funding will be shared amongst national ex-service organisations to assist them in improving their service delivery to veterans.
Minister for Veterans’ Affairs Darren Chester said he was pleased to announce the funding through the Grants-in-Aid program.
“The Grants-in-Aid program provides essential funding to assist national ex-service organisations to provide ongoing support to the local veteran communities throughout Australia,” Mr Chester said.
“The work of these organisations is invaluable and benefits many, by investing in them it is another way that we can say ‘thank you for your service’ to our veterans and the organisations that support them.”
The program helps to fund representational activities aimed at improving connectedness between the head office of a national organisation and its state and local branches. Ex-service organisations throughout Australia receiving funding under this program provide various type of assistance to veterans.
“These organisations represent the partners of veterans who form an integral support network, I would like to thank these organisations who tirelessly provide the essential support to veterans and their families,” Mr Chester said.
Applications for the next round of Grants-in-Aid funding will open in February 2019. More information on the program is available through the Community Grants Hub (

Veteran Affairs