6 years ago
It was revealed at Senate Estimates yesterday that staff responsible for handling National Redress Scheme applications have raised serious concerns about the adequacy of trauma-informed processes.
Several former contract staff have formally brought their concerns to the attention of the Secretary of the Department of Social Services.
“The people who wrote to me were concerned that the staff who were taking part in this processes didn’t have the appropriate skills to deal with individuals who had been traumatised”.
[Secretary, Department of Social Services, 25 October 2018]
The Department of Social Services has given assurances that an investigation has taken place and processes improved – but this is a critical reminder of the importance of getting the implementation of the National Redress Scheme right.
The Department of Social Services also confirmed that only nine institutions are formally participating in the scheme, with under 10 payments made to survivors.
These participating institutions are: YMCA, the Korowal School, Scouts Australia, Scouts New South Wales , Scouts Victoria, Scouts South Australia, Scouts Western Australia, United Protestants Association NSW and the Salvation Army Australia.
“These institutions should be commended on their prompt participation,” Linda Burney said.
“It is important that other institutions make every effort to join the Scheme as quickly as possible so that survivors can begin to access redress and support.
“Given the highly personal and serious nature of the matters handled by the National Redress Scheme, government must ensure staff and processes are beyond reproach.
“Dedicated and skilled people are required – this isn’t simply another program that the Government can outsource.
“Survivors should not have to share their stories with multiple individuals on multiple occasions.
“The National Apology marks not the end, but the beginning of the process for delivering restitution and support for victims and survivors of institutional child sexual abuse.
“Survivors have been through so much and have waited so long. It is absolutely imperative that we get the rollout of National Redress Scheme right.”