Inappropriately incurred debts

Senator the Hon Michaelia Cash.
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5 years ago
Inappropriately incurred debts
Senator the Hon Michaelia Cash
The Government today will introduce legislation to better support vulnerable students who were ripped off under Labor’s failed VET FEE-HELP scheme and who were lumped with debts they had no chance of paying off.
“Under Labor’s VET FEE-HELP loan scheme, the unethical actions of a number of unscrupulous training providers and their agents targeted vulnerable or unsuitable people who were lured - any way they could be - into signing onto a course,” Minister for Small and Family Business, Skills and Vocational Education said.
“The program saddled them with debt and offered very little in return, sometimes a worthless qualification - if anything at all.”
Labor’s VET Fee-HELP scheme was replaced with the VET Student Loans program, which has weeded-out and shutdown unscrupulous providers, improved completion rates, and restored confidence in the sector.
 “We want every Australian parent to know that when their son or daughter chooses Vocational Education and Training they can be confident that they are receiving the highest standard of education.”
A VET education is just as important to our economy as a university degree.
“We are cleaning up the mess created by the former Labor Government to give Australians the best chance of getting a job and to give Australian industry the best chance of having the skilled workforce they need.
“Our skilled workforce - in building and construction, agriculture, tourism, health and mining services - will also help Australia meet our export potential, and help our small businesses participate in the global supply chain opportunities created by the Liberal National Government’s Free Trade agenda.
“Our Government has also invested $1.5 billion in the Skilling Australians Fund to create 300,000 new apprenticeships and traineeships across the country. This is in addition to the $1.2 billion we invest in skills programs.
“The Master Builders Association training facility here in Canberra is an example of the high standard of VET education that will ensure Australians have the skills they need to be job ready.”
The Liberal National Government is committed to a VET system that is delivering quality skills that Australians want – and which employers and industry need – to meet the challenges of the future.
Education and Training