6 years ago
Federal Labor and the Andrews State Labor Government will jointly fund a $15 million expansion of car parking facilities at Tarneit train station to ease shortages and encourage more commuters to use public transport.
Federal Labor’s $7.5 million contribution will come from its $300 million National Park and Ride Fund for new or expanded car parks at public transport hubs.
The Tarneit station is part of the Regional Rail Line, which opened in June 2015.
Extremely strong population growth, triggered in part by the completion of Regional Rail, means the 1000-space carpark is now full by 7.30am each weekday.
Commuters rushing to catch their trains to work are forced to park in surrounding streets and walk to the station, causing more congestion and inconvenience to nearby residents.
A Federal Labor Government would partner with the Victorian State Government to deliver up to 400 extra parking spaces.
Across Australia, traffic congestion is acting as a hand brake on productivity and economic growth and is eroding our quality of life.
The problem has worsened during the five years of the Abbott-Turnbull-Morrison Government, which has cut funding for public transport projects and provided no policy leadership to other levels of government on the productivity, sustainability and liveability of cities.
Shadow Infrastructure and Transport Minister Anthony Albanese said the Tarneit expansion would make a real, practical difference for commuters while also reducing congestion for local residents.
“We’ll not only invest in new public transport services, but also deliver practical measures to help commuters get to work with minimum fuss, including through our new Park and Ride Fund,’’ Mr Albanese said.
“Public transport isn’t just about the train line or bus route itself. It’s also about the surrounding infrastructure that makes it work for local residents.’’
Labor Member for Lalor Joanne Ryan said that while the Federal Coalition Government was consumed by chaos, Labor was focused on positive plans to address issues of practical concern to Australians.
“I know how important the issue of car parking is to locals in my community,’’ Ms Ryan said.
“People want to catch the train to work. Governments need to work together to make that easier.’’
“When last in government, Labor built the Regional Rail Link, demonstrating that people want to use public transport in Melbourne’s outer western suburbs.”
“If elected, Labor will again look after the residents of Melbourne’s outer western suburbs by making sure that they have access to public transport.”