6 years ago
Assistant Minister for Defence, Senator the Hon David Fawcett, and Assistant Minister for Treasury and Finance, Senator the Hon Zed Seselja, today announced the award of a contract for delivery of upgrades to Defence health facilities in the Australian Capital Territory.
Following a competitive tendering process, Defence has awarded a $33.4 million contract to Kane Constructions Pty Ltd for the construction of a new health centre at the Royal Military College Duntroon.
Minister Fawcett said the upgrades would help support the Australian Defence Force (ADF) to maintain and sustain health preparedness for operational requirements.
“This new health centre will enhance the provision of primary care, mental health, rehabilitation, pharmacy, physiotherapy and dental services to ADF members in the Canberra region,” Minister Fawcett said.
The upgrades are part of a $212 million Joint Health Command Garrison Health Facilities Upgrade Project which will see upgrades to Defence health centres across 13 Defence sites nationally.
“In line with a Government initiative, Kane Constructions has developed a local industry capability plan to ensure local businesses, suppliers and trades are given full opportunity to be involved in the facilities construction,” Minister Fawcett said.
“It is great to see Defence working with business such as Kane Constructions, who engage local businesses, suppliers, and trades in their projects, creating job opportunities for Canberrans and delivering a boost to the local economy,” Senator Seselja said.
“The awarding of this contract follows significant Commonwealth investment in the ACT, including the $500 million expansion of the War Memorial, $63 million for the National Gallery, $80 million to clean up our waterways, $4 million for the expansion of Clare Holland House and a new building for the Department of Social Services in Tuggeranong and Immigration at the airport.”
Kane Constructions anticipates up to 53 sub-contract packages, with a value of $30 million, will be sourced from companies within the local Canberra region. They are aiming for around 90 per cent of the workforce to come from the ACT region.