5 years ago
A Shorten Labor Government will provide $4.1 million towards Oasis Townsville, to ensure the establishment of a veterans hub in Townsville which provides greater support to veterans’, ex-service personnel and their families.
Announced by the Queensland State Government in 2017, Oasis Townsville will be a one-stop-shop of services and support for veterans and their families in Townsville.
Our veterans and ex-service personnel have served in the ADF for all Australians, as such it is fitting that commonwealth funding be committed towards a centre which provides services to veterans and their families.
That is why, if elected, a Shorten Labor Government will commit $4.1 million to Oasis Townsville in recognition of the contribution which our ADF personnel have made in their service.
Labor’s $4.1 million commitment towards the development of the building will release critical State Government funding, which will go towards the ongoing operating costs of Oasis Townsville, ensuring its viability into the future.
Oasis Townsville is designed to help individuals and their families by providing effective support and referrals to organisations which can assist our ex-service personnel’s needs.
Having services collocated under one roof will allow veterans and their families to access of a number of support services at once, making it easier for those seeking support or assistance.
Oasis Townsville will become a unique hub in Townsville which offers veterans and their families a one-stop shop of services tailored to the veteran community.
As the largest garrison city in Australia, Townsville is home to a large military community of current and ex-service personnel and their families.
Today’s announcement has been through a thorough consultation process with stakeholder’s, including the Townsville Defence Community Reference Group, established by Member for Herbert, Cathy O’Toole.
Labor is committed to supporting our veterans, ex-service personnel and their families through tangible outcomes.
To date, Labor has announced a number of policies which focus on increased support for our service personnel as they transition into civilian life. This includes Labor’s $121 million comprehensive Veterans’ Employment Policy, our commitment to signing a Military Covenant and developing a Family Engagement and Support Strategy.
Announced by the Queensland State Government in 2017, Oasis Townsville will be a one-stop-shop of services and support for veterans and their families in Townsville.
Our veterans and ex-service personnel have served in the ADF for all Australians, as such it is fitting that commonwealth funding be committed towards a centre which provides services to veterans and their families.
That is why, if elected, a Shorten Labor Government will commit $4.1 million to Oasis Townsville in recognition of the contribution which our ADF personnel have made in their service.
Labor’s $4.1 million commitment towards the development of the building will release critical State Government funding, which will go towards the ongoing operating costs of Oasis Townsville, ensuring its viability into the future.
Oasis Townsville is designed to help individuals and their families by providing effective support and referrals to organisations which can assist our ex-service personnel’s needs.
Having services collocated under one roof will allow veterans and their families to access of a number of support services at once, making it easier for those seeking support or assistance.
Oasis Townsville will become a unique hub in Townsville which offers veterans and their families a one-stop shop of services tailored to the veteran community.
As the largest garrison city in Australia, Townsville is home to a large military community of current and ex-service personnel and their families.
Today’s announcement has been through a thorough consultation process with stakeholder’s, including the Townsville Defence Community Reference Group, established by Member for Herbert, Cathy O’Toole.
Labor is committed to supporting our veterans, ex-service personnel and their families through tangible outcomes.
To date, Labor has announced a number of policies which focus on increased support for our service personnel as they transition into civilian life. This includes Labor’s $121 million comprehensive Veterans’ Employment Policy, our commitment to signing a Military Covenant and developing a Family Engagement and Support Strategy.