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5 years ago
A Shorten Labor Government will invest $95 million in Tasmania’s public hospitals as part of a comprehensive plan to solve the state’s health crisis.

This election will be a choice between Labor’s plan to fix Tasmania’s health crisis, or tax cuts for the top end of town under the Liberals.

Liberal cuts to Tasmania’s health and hospital system have caused a state-wide beds crisis leading to patients being stuck with nowhere to go.

Ambulance ramping is up 500 percent in the last three years. Ambulances are stuck on ramps with patients in pain or in need of urgent medical treatment unable to get into emergency departments.

Labor wants every Tasmanian to have access to the best possible health care.

That’s why a Shorten Labor Government will commit $95 million for public hospitals across the state to help solve the crisis by funding new beds in sub-acute wards.

Labor’s commitment will take the pressure off Tasmania’s emergency departments and ambulance services, making sure every Tasmanian gets the care they deserve.

Labor’s $95 million plan includes:

  • $40 million for a new state-wide sub-acute care facility in Hobart with at least 32 beds;
  • $35 million for a specialist enhanced sub-acute facility for the North at Launceston General Hospital with at least 32 beds;
  • $20 million for two ambulatory care centres on the North West Coast.


The Liberals have no plan to solve the rolling crises in Tasmania’s public hospitals.

And now Scott Morrison has a plan to cut another $35 million from Tasmania’s already underfunded public hospitals.

Morrison’s only cure for Tasmania’s public hospitals is more cuts.

As Treasurer, Scott Morrison cut $11 million from Tasmania’s hospitals – cutting hospital beds, cutting healthcare workers, and blowing out hospital waiting lists. 

Labor can pay for better hospitals and health services because we will make multinationals pay their fair share and close tax loopholes used by the top end of town.

Scott Morrison is spending billions on handouts to the top end of town while cutting money from local hospitals. 

As treasurer, Scott Morrison cut funding from health while trying to give an $80 billion tax handout to big business, including $17 billion to the big banks. 

After six years of Liberal cuts and chaos, our united Labor team is ready.