5 years ago
The damning Nine/Fairfax investigation into Subway this week further highlights that the Government is doing nothing to help the franchising sector.
It has been 5 months since the Parliamentary Joint Committee on Corporations and Financial Services Report into Franchising in Australia handed down its bipartisan report which outlined 71 substantial recommendations to reform the franchising industry.
Since that report was handed down the Government has yet to respond and we have seen even more franchises fail, as shown in the ABC’s investigation into the psychology franchise, Life Resolutions, where the owners phoenixed the operation, leaving more than 40 creditors owing millions of dollars.
The Government’s response has been completely inadequate, merely establishing a Taskforce to examine the inquiries recommendations.
Under this lacklustre and complacent Government small business and workers are being mistreated and wage theft is running rampant.
The current Prime Minister said he was going to make wage theft a priority. What is it going to take to spur action?
Labor will stand up for small businesses and workers to ensure they are not being ripped off. We will continue to fight to rebuild confidence in franchising, and the security of small business in Australia.
It has been 5 months since the Parliamentary Joint Committee on Corporations and Financial Services Report into Franchising in Australia handed down its bipartisan report which outlined 71 substantial recommendations to reform the franchising industry.
Since that report was handed down the Government has yet to respond and we have seen even more franchises fail, as shown in the ABC’s investigation into the psychology franchise, Life Resolutions, where the owners phoenixed the operation, leaving more than 40 creditors owing millions of dollars.
The Government’s response has been completely inadequate, merely establishing a Taskforce to examine the inquiries recommendations.
Under this lacklustre and complacent Government small business and workers are being mistreated and wage theft is running rampant.
The current Prime Minister said he was going to make wage theft a priority. What is it going to take to spur action?
Labor will stand up for small businesses and workers to ensure they are not being ripped off. We will continue to fight to rebuild confidence in franchising, and the security of small business in Australia.