5 years ago
Best practice biodiversity management front and centre
Senator the Hon. Bridget McKenzie
The Liberal and Nationals Government is delivering on an election commitment to explore the need and current tools available to farmers that could turn their natural resource management into increased profits.
Minister for Agriculture, Senator Bridget McKenzie, said the National Farmers’ Federation (NFF) was looking at the positive environmental contributions in the agriculture supply chain under the $4 million Australian Farm Biodiversity Certification Scheme Trial.
“The use of sustainability standards has the potential to boost farm incomes if farms are certified as achieving high environmental standards,” Minister McKenzie said.
“Our farmers are our nation’s greatest environmentalists—they care for more than half of our land mass.
“It makes sense that farmers’ good practices are recognised as consumers demand more information about how the food they eat and the fibre they use is produced.
“This project is about making sure that any certification or verification scheme delivers benefits for farmers and means something for consumers.
“The NFF will work with farmers to develop and showcase innovative examples of best practice biodiversity management of natural resources.
“It will research existing schemes, sustainability frameworks and best management practices, and will also assess the readiness of farmers to participate in schemes.
“The NFF will also work with farmers on how plant and animal pest management practices can deliver productivity improvements.
“The scheme is part of the Agriculture Stewardship Package—a $34 million election commitment that aims to integrate productivity, sustainability and biodiversity on farms to provide lasting benefits to farmers and community.”
Further information about the Australian Farm Biodiversity Certification Scheme will be available on the Department of Agriculture’s website shortly.