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3 years ago
Having stuffed up the vaccine rollout, mucked up hotel quarantine, mixed up the cost of JobKeeper by an eyewatering $60 billion, and fluffed up the COVIDSafe app, Scott Morrison and Josh Frydenberg now appear to have given up on the JobMaker hiring credits.
If media reports are correct, and Josh Frydenberg dumps JobMaker, it will be yet another embarrassing admission of failure from the Treasurer, which makes a mockery of any promises he makes in next week’s Budget.
If true, how on earth can we believe anything Scott Morrison and Josh Frydenberg promise next week given their centrepiece policy couldn’t last from one Budget to the next?
JobMaker was always more of a slogan than a solution.
Josh Frydenberg said JobMaker would support 450,000 jobs – it’s reportedly only supported 1,100.
Josh Frydenberg said JobMaker would invest $4 billion to get Australians workings – it’s reportedly only invested $1.7 million.
The gulf between announcement and delivery just keeps growing, and growing, and growing – swallowing up what little remains of this tired, eight-year-old Government’s economic credibility.
Australians are recovering from the recession despite the Morrison Government, not because of it.
The overwhelming credit for improvements in our economy and the Budget belongs to the hard work and sacrifices of Australians, who have worked together to keep each other safe, stop the spread of the virus, and keep our economy moving during the pandemic.
The recovery would be stronger and there’d be more jobs if the Liberals and Nationals hadn’t bungled the vaccines rollout, quarantine, and policies like JobMaker.
After all Australians have been through together, they need and deserve a Government that is on their side and a Budget that helps them get ahead and doesn’t leave them behind.