3 years ago
Julie Collins MP
The Auditor-General’s damning report into Australia’s biosecurity regime has exposed the Morrison Government’s abysmal failure on this critical issue.
Australia’s biosecurity system should act as a tough cop on the beat but under the Morrison Government it’s more like the Keystone Cops.
This eight year old Government has been far too relaxed about the serious risks of a biosecurity incursion and the harm this could cause to Australia’s agriculture industry.
The scathing report highlights deeply concerning gaps, lack of plans, and failures to enforce compliance.
It is shocking more isn’t been done to protect Australia’s agriculture industry from biosecurity risks.
This failure has the potential to do billions of dollars of damage to Australia’s economy and hurt our farmers.
Until last month’s Budget, biosecurity funding was actually going backwards under the Morrison Government.
The Budget’s biosecurity announcement only covers the cuts the Morrison Government was planning after its biosecurity levy failed.
It does not include any significant new recurrent funding to help protect Australia’s agriculture industry which is worth more than $60 billion every year.
Australian farmers deserve better from the Morrison Government.