3 years ago
The announcement that Barnaby Joyce will take on the role of Minister for Infrastructure, Transport and Regional Development on an ongoing basis is a disappointing outcome for all Australians.
Infrastructure is a key economic portfolio, but under the Nationals it has been left to fall by the wayside. As today’s Inter-Generational Report shows, the Australian economy will need well targeted investment in productivity-enhancing infrastructure - something the Labor Party did in Government and has long been calling for from the Morrison Government.
The Morrison Government breaks their promises by an average of $1.2 billion every single year, projects are delayed into the never-never, they refuse to invest in public transport, they have abandoned broad swathes of the aviation sector, their most recent Budget cut $3.3 billion over four years and what few projects they do build are chosen according to political advantage, not what will have the biggest impact on the lives of Australians.
With the Inland Rail Project - the Morrison Government's largest - they still have no plan where the rail line will start, where it will end, the route it will take or how it will interact with existing stations up and down the country.
It's a similar story with the regional development portfolio, where the Morrison Government's only interest boils down to slush funds they can use to sandbag Liberal and National seats.
There’s a big difference between the national interest and the National Party’s interests. Australians know this, but does Barnaby Joyce?
Under Barnaby Joyce’s leadership, Australians should get ready to see more scandals like Sports Rorts, Building Better Regions Fund and the Commuter Carpark program.
Infrastructure is a key economic portfolio, but under the Nationals it has been left to fall by the wayside. As today’s Inter-Generational Report shows, the Australian economy will need well targeted investment in productivity-enhancing infrastructure - something the Labor Party did in Government and has long been calling for from the Morrison Government.
The Morrison Government breaks their promises by an average of $1.2 billion every single year, projects are delayed into the never-never, they refuse to invest in public transport, they have abandoned broad swathes of the aviation sector, their most recent Budget cut $3.3 billion over four years and what few projects they do build are chosen according to political advantage, not what will have the biggest impact on the lives of Australians.
With the Inland Rail Project - the Morrison Government's largest - they still have no plan where the rail line will start, where it will end, the route it will take or how it will interact with existing stations up and down the country.
It's a similar story with the regional development portfolio, where the Morrison Government's only interest boils down to slush funds they can use to sandbag Liberal and National seats.
There’s a big difference between the national interest and the National Party’s interests. Australians know this, but does Barnaby Joyce?
Under Barnaby Joyce’s leadership, Australians should get ready to see more scandals like Sports Rorts, Building Better Regions Fund and the Commuter Carpark program.